British Made Gifts (L&S Prints Digital Ltd)

Dropship Suppliers

British Made Gifts, part of the L&S Prints brand. The home of fun and quirky gifts that can be personalised for that extra special touch. All of our products are manufactured in house, here in Great Britain.

Launched in 1990, L&S Prints Digital Ltd began with commission printing for clients such as Primark and the NHS.

In the early 2000’s, we moved into eCommerce opening an eBay and an Amazon shop and were one of the first to the personalised gifting market, our best sellers being cushions!

Soon after, the creative juices started flowing and we started to create some unique and quirky products to stand out from the ever-competitive industry.

This was noticed by some huge retailers, which kick started our drop ship and wholesale journey, supplying and manufacturing orders sold by companies across the nation.

In 2017 we decided that we would join the rat race and launched British Made Gifts, with the success of this came the expansion of the factory, machinery, and staffing.

We continue to go from strength to strength in building our business and we thank of our lovely clients and customers who have supported us along the way.


Create and sell custom products online with our easy print-on-demand. drop shipping and wholesale services.

Export House,
West lane, Keighley,
West Yorkshire, BD21 2LH

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